Hi. My name is Steve.
Not Stephen.
Nor is it Steven.
I’ve had this confusion with my name my whole life. My parents named me Stephen and made sure it’s spelled with a PH on my birth certificate. So I suppose they have a right to call me Stephen, although I suppose upon hearing it you’d never know if it was with a PH or a V, but that’s beside my point.
They call me that.
So does my younger brother, my aunts, and uncles, cousins, etc…In fact, I don’t think I have an in-law or a blood-relative who doesn’t call me Stephen.
I’m guessing if you’re reading this, you aren’t one of those in-laws or blood relatives. So you are not granted the privilege of calling me anything other than how I’ve introduced myself to you.
So hi there! My name is Steve.
You may have noticed if you tried Googling Stephen Bremner you might have come across someone else other than me. Or you might have noticed when coming up with this site I bought the domain name SteveBremner.com. If you want to try typing in StephenBremner.com just out of spite for what I’ve just told you, it doesn’t matter.
I like to treat everybody like family because in Christ we are all an extended family, so this might confuse you into thinking you’re a blood relative or literal in-law. But again, I assure you — you’re not.
But that doesn’t mean I won’t be personal with you on this site and share stories, intimate thoughts or answer your private messages if you reach out to me.
But you still get to call me Steve.
Get it?
Got it?
You are welcome to come over to my house for a cup of coffee or a chit chat in front of the TV, but since I’m introverted, I’ll actually get annoyed and offended on the inside if you overstay your welcome and don’t take the various hints I drop when it’s time for you to leave. You can even help yourself to anything in the fridge — if there is anything in it.
But you still have to call me Steve.
Why I Think You Should Believe I Know What I’m Talking About
Now that that’s out of the way…
I am a FIRE School of Ministry graduate with a burden for grounding people in the Word of God and seeing believers from all sorts of backgrounds live out and experience the power of the Holy Spirit, and the love of God in their lives and ministries. I also think it’s pretentious when bloggers use this space to write their own bios yet refer to themselves in the third person.
What’s up with that?
I have been unintentionally providing entertainment to the world for over three decades now. For the last decade, I’ve lived in Chorrillos, Peru and I’m a part of a missional community which to outsiders resembles a house church network. It is called Oikos and has nothing to do with yogurt. To us (and New Testament Greek) it means “extended family”.
For more information about what we do in Peru, visit the link What we do in Peru.
If the Internet (is it supposed to be with a capital or a lowercase ‘i’?) had been available to the Apostle Paul, I’m pretty certain he would have used it to make the Word of God available to as many people as he could. Except Paul wouldn’t waste his time with internet trolls, he’d probably just cast the devil out of them and they’d repent.
So, to take advantage of this technology Paul didn’t have, I make a podcast called Fire On Your Head which I started all the way back in 2007 before podcasting was even cool. I also often podcast it up with other bloggers and authors I really dig, usually all of them over Skype from various places around the world.
Fire On Your Head can be subscribed to in iTunes, Stitcher Radio, and other popular podcatcher programs. Or you can visit the site feed directly at www.fireonyourhead.com.
I’ve also been blogging since 2004, writing books since 2013, narrating audiobooks since 2017, and now also helping coach other first-time authors and entrepreneurs, write their books and bringing their message to the market.
On a final note, I am Canadian (and not ashamed of it), and my wife Lili is Peruvian (and definitely not ashamed of it) and we have three little daughters, Jabber Jaw, El Mimo and Jabber Jaw 10X who I guess would each be Perunadians.
They definitely are not allowed to call me Stephen or Steve.