You may have already seen or heard that Creflo Dollar did a teaching recently that has gone viral (depending on the circles you’re in) and so, of course, people are arguing over whether tithing is biblical or not.
You can see the video here or embedded below.
Regardless of what you think of him or his teaching or this subject in general, I will say the following.
I’ve personally experienced 4 things:
- I’ve been broke, and tithed.
- I’ve experienced seasons of abundance and tithed.
- I’ve been broke and didn’t tithe, and
- I’ve had abundance and didn’t tithe.
You want to know what happened?
At least nothing obvious or discernible in our finances.
That’s it!
So whenever I hear preaching or teaching that says your finances will get in order or stuff like that, I’m always suspicious because on a personal level (not even touching what I believe I can show you in the Bible, just speaking from experiences), I’ve never seen it in my own life, at least not in any obvious “A led to B” pinpointable way.
My wife and I give because we want to be GENEROUS givers, not because we believe the New Testament teaches a curse on us we’ll experience if we don’t. The exact ways and destinations we give are between her and I, and before God and not any man.
But I’ve noticed something interesting; a large majority of the teachings about tithing or whatever Christians are Biblically supposed to do with their money are usually propogated by those whose paychecks are most affected by Christian giving. Imagine that!
Case in point.
Shortly after I heard of the video, I saw a man of God I have no qualms against post a status update on social media trashing Creflo, without mentioning his name, and then proceeding to use personal experiences of how God has blessed him because he tithes, and then listed all the ways you can give money to his ministry.
I mean seriously, THAT’s how you’re going to piggy back on a man of God coming out and reversing his teaching on something and from what I could tell, repenting of manipulating the flock to give? You’re going to talk about how blessed you are “for giving”, and turn around and ask your followers for money?
You don’t see the irony?
This preacher’s whole schtick was that entire ministries are going to go under if people stop tithing because apparently the only way you can give is in the form a tithe. I know serious tithe teachers who will tell you giving offerings, tithes, sowing seed, etc… are all different things, but again, not what I’m posting about.
As a “missionary” for a number of years, I know what it’s like to depend on financial support and not be able to do things I felt called to unless my bank account was full from donations.
Which incidentally is why I became a freelancer and started a business to help finance myself.
Anyway, I’m not writing this post to take a clear polemic on the topic, since I may be narrating an audiobook soon on the topic (but I won’t reveal here the stance, just yet), but I wanted to say I’ve argued with people who have an opinion on this topic or on the end times but struggle to tell you where in the Bible they come up with their thoughts, but are dogmatically certain of it.
Don’t be like that.
Stick to the Word, educate yourself, and whatever thoughts you form, make sure they’re from you and the Holy Spirit guiding you through reading the written word of God and don’t cherry pick it when it suits you, whatever stance you take.
In the meantime, check out this classic podcast episode I did years ago with Dr. Stephen Crosby on money stuff.