If you don’t look the part of a professional and trustworthy expert, people will ignore your higher prices and question them.
People can spot that disconnect and incongruity from a mile away, yet so many authors and experts I meet who are trying to launch a book give this no thought, to their own peril.
Imagine showcasing your monthly mastermind or one-on-one coaching where you charge 4 or 5 figures for on LinkedIn or Facebook, and putting out your new book with a cover you paid some kid on Fiverr $25 to make.
Or even WORSE, you designed it yourself in Canva or Amazon Cover creator… and then expecting to be taken seriously?
Asking people to make an investment in you when you can’t make a comparatively tiny investment in hiring the pros to help you make that book?
You can’t ask more of your prospects than you’re willing to invest in yourself, and that includes seemingly minor things like your book’s cover. You can’t lead people farther than you’re willing to go.
You can’t charge people what you’re not willing to pay.
Your book’s cover sparks emotional triggers in your audience.
Triggers that say:
“Why should I take this ‘coach’ seriously when this book looks homemade?”
Branding has the power to establish instant credility, or, at the very least give off a good first impression. Or it can make you look like you’re still “faking it till you make it”.
If readers make it past the cover and read the book but see it’s not even professionally edited, either, they’ll subconsciously assume other things about you, as well, such as:
- you cut corners
- you can’t deliver on what you provide
- you aren’t taking your book publishing and business seriously
- you’re probably cheap
The choice is yours.
Are your credibility and your lasting success worth cutting corners to save a few bucks?
And Christian, are you really honoring & glorifying God when you “do it yourself” to save money?
Is that really stewardship?
But Steve, my niece is studying graphic design and her feelings will be hurt if I don’t let her make a cover for me!
That’s fine, but does she know how to design a cover that will SELL your book? Do we let anybody who wants to just get up and preach on Sunday morning in our churches?
Of course not. Some degree of excellence and vetting are necessary.

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